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Crisis management in the Republic of Serbia on local and regional level

dc.contributor.advisorKešetović, Želimir
dc.contributor.otherJakovljević, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Dejan
dc.creatorTrbojević, Milovan R.
dc.description.abstractZemlje u tranziciji suočavaju se sa raznim vrstama kriza. One mogu biti izazvane na različitim nivoima: od preduzeća, lokalne zajednice, regije, a mogu da obuhvate i širi prostor pa da dobiju nacionalni ili pak međunarodni karakter. Balkan, a i Republika Srbija oduvek su predstavljali mesto na kome su egzistirale razne vrste kriza. Iako krize imaju određene zajedničke karakteristike, uzroci nastajanja, obim i proizvedene posledice, dinamika i vreme trajanja rezličiti su za svaku krizu. Prirodne i tehnološke katastrofe, epidemije zaraznih bolesti, ozbiljno ugrožavanje životne sredine, terorizam i organizovani kriminal danas zahtevaju nove strategije za borbu u smislu pripremljenosti i adekvatnog odgovora. Sve ovo je poseban izazov za Republiku Srbiju u kojoj je, relativno funkcionalan sistem kriznog menadžmenta koji je bio uspostavljen u Socijalističkoj Federativnoj Republici Jugoslaviji (SFRJ), i primeren tadašnjem komunističkom sistemu, napušten, a novi još uvek nije izgrađen, iako se u poslednje vreme uočavaju određeni pomaci, naročito u oblasti zakonske regulative. S obzirom da u domaćoj naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi problem kriznog menadžmenta nije obrađivan i istraživan u dovoljnoj meri, cilj ovog rada je naučna deskripcija i objašnjenje trenutnog stanja i reforme kriznog menadžmenta na lokalnom i regionalnom nivou u Republici Srbiji. U okviru toga analizirano je stanje kriznog menadžmenta u Sremskom upravnom okrugu (regionalni nivo) i opštini Sremska Mitrovica (lokalni nivo). Imajući u vidu komleksnost problema istraživanja primenjen je multidisciplinarni pristup i komparativna analiza raspoloživih izvora podataka sa posebnim akcentom na Republici Hrvatskoj i Kraljevini Švedskoj. U prvom delu rada analizirana je strana stručna literatura u cilju pojmovnog određenja kriza i kriznog menadžmenta. Zatim su analiziraanalizirana prilagođavanja koncepta kriznog menadžmenta do 1990. godine u SR Srbiji, kao i domaća literatura i razvoj zakonske regulative u ovoj oblasti u periodu tranzicije, sa posebnim osvrtom na lokalni i regionalni nivo. U drugom delu rada kroz empirijsko istraživanje analizirana je percepcija postojećeg sistema pre svega na uzorku političkih odlučilaca, odnosno eksperata (anketni upitnik, intervjui i studije slučaja) sa ciljem da se utvrde najznačajniji nedostaci, slabosti i problemi u oblasti kriznog menadžmenta nalokalnom i regionalnom nivou, te da se na osnovu toga definišu preporuke za dalji razvoj kriznog menadžmenta u Republici Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su da su normativno, političko i ekonomsko okruženje dinamični, te da sistem kriznog menadžmenta treba da razvije kapacitete i sposobnost adaptacije na te stalne promene. Nadalje, menadžeri koji su direktno uključeni u proces upravljanja kriznim situacijama ne poznaju dovoljno propise, pa samim tim ne mogu da sude kompetentno o primeni propisa u praksi. Rad političkog rukovodstva koje uzročno-posledično deluje na stvaranje političke klime, ocenjen je u domenu kriznog menadžmeta kao loš na svim nivoima, te je prepoznata potreba lobiranja u političkim krugovima za promenu stava o važnosti i budžetiranju kriznog menadžmenta, van konteksta tekuće političke borbe i ekonomske krize. Ekonomsko okruženje posebno je promenjeno uticajem privatizacije i izmenjenim subjektima, odnosno učesnicima u rešavanju kriznih situacija, kao i stanjem njihove tehničko-tehnološke opremljenosti i obučenosti. Kao osnovni problem kriznog menadžmenta u Republici Srbiji na svim nivoima identifikovani su nedostatak sredstava, neobučenost subjekata i tehnička neopremljenost. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je neophodno precizno razraditi zakonski okvir za krizni menadžment, izvršiti obuku kadrova i tehnički opremiti skoro sve subjekte kriznog menadž
dc.description.abstractTransitional countries are faced with various types of crises. These crises can be caused on different levels: companies, local community, region, and can also cover a wider area and gain national or international character. Balkans and the Republic of Serbia have always been representing the area where various types of crises existed. Although crises have certain common characteristics, the causes of their occurrence, scope and consequences produced, dynamics and duration are different for each crisis. Natural and technological disasters, epidemics of infectious diseases, serious environment endangerment, terrorism, and organized crime today demand new strategies for combating in context of preparedness and appropriate response. All of the above-mentioned is a special challenge for the Republic of Serbia where, relatively functional crisis management system established in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), and appropriate to former communist system, was abandoned without building the new one, although certain shifts can be noticed lately, and especially in the legislative area. Regarding that the problem of crisis management was not covered and researched sufficiently in domestic scientific and professional literature, the aim of this work is scientific description and explanation of the existing condition and reform of crisis management on local and regional level in the Republic of Serbia. Within this, the condition of crisis management in Srem administrative district (regional level) and in municipality of Sremska Mitrovica (local level) was analyzed. Bearing in mind the complexity of the research issue, the multidisciplinary approach and comparative analysis of sources available were applied, , with an emphasis on the Republic of Croatia and Kingdom of Sweden. The first part of the work analyses the foreign professional literature for the purpose of conceptual definition of crises and crisis management. Then, the adjustment of the crisis management concept were analyzed until the year 1990 in the Socialist Republic of Serbia, as well as the domestic literature and development of legislation in this area in the transitional period, with the emphasis on local and regional level. In the second part, through empirical research the perception of the existing system was analyzed, firstly on the sample of political decision-makers and experts (questionnaires, interviews, case studies) with the goal of determination of the most significant lacks, weaknesses, and issues in the area of crisis management on local and regional level. Based on that, the recommendations for further development of crisis management in the Republic of Serbia were defined. The results of the research showed that normative, political, and economic environment are dynamic, so that the crisis management system should develop adaptation capacities and capabilities to those constant changes. Further, managers directly involved in the process of crisis situations management do not know the legislation sufficiently enough, so they cannot judge with competence about the application of legislation in practice. The work of political leadership which is acting through cause and effect on the creation of political climate, was evaluated as poor on all the levels within the crisis management domain, so the need for lobbying in political circles was recognized for the change of attitude about the importance and budgeting of crisis management, outside of the context of existing political struggle and economic crisis. Economic environment is specially changed with the influence of privatization and changed subjects, e.g. participants in crisis situation solving, as well as with the condition of their technical equipment and training. As a basic issues of crisis management in the Republic of Serbia at all the levels, the lack of assets, insufficient training of subjects, and technicly inadequate equipment were identified. Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that it is necessary to elaborate precisely the legislative framework for crisis management, perform the training of personnel, and technically equip almost all of the crisis management subjects.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet bezbednosti
dc.subjectkrizni menadžment, subjekti kriznog menadžmenta, kriza, lokalni nivo, regionalni nivosr
dc.subjectcrisis management, crisis management subjects, crises, local level, regional levelen
dc.titleKrizni menadžment u Republici Srbiji na lokalnom i regionalnom nivousr
dc.titleCrisis management in the Republic of Serbia on local and regional levelen

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