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dc.contributorMalović, Marko
dc.creatorJovanović, Jelena
dc.creatorNikolić, Ivica
dc.creatorPetković, Violeta
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper is a social economic analysis of the quality of life of the Romani population in the region of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Life on the ‘edge of poverty’, often endangering basic human needs and postulates worthy of a man of the 21st century, represents an imperative to a wide social community to include all its resources, so that the Roma have a dignified life and an equal status with other members of society. Seen from a sociological aspect, the concept of quality of life provides information on satisfaction with one's life and the degree of adequate functioning in the environment.In a theoretical sense, the position of each individual in society is influenced by some factors, which also apply to the Romani population. In order to establish someone's position in society, it is necessary to define criteria, which can be also called influencing factors. During the research, the principles of PEST analysis were used, with predefined political, economic, sociological-cultural, and technological criteria, i.e. factors, based on which the current position of the Roma was tested, and, the hypothetical ones, were projected on the quality of their life in the future.The general goal of this research is to improve the position of the Romani community in AP Vojvodina, observed from the point of view of the economic and social status that affects the quality of life (subjective and objective factors and others). The specific goal of the research presented in the paper is the valuation of subjective and objective factors and their direct influence on the quality of the lives of Roma. The research sample population is represented by members of the Romani community who live in the territory of AP Vojvodina.sr
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada je socijalno-ekonomska analiza kvaliteta života romske populacije u AP VojvodinI. Život na „ivici siromaštva“, često ugrožavajući osnovne ljudske potrebe i postulate dostojne čoveka 21. veka, predstavlja imperativ širokoj društvenoj zajednici da uključi sve svoje resurse, kako bi Romi imali dostojanstven život i ravnopravan status kod ostalih članova društva. Posmatrano sa sociološkog aspekta, koncept kvaliteta života daje informaciju o zadovoljstvu svojim životom i stepenu adekvatnog funkcionisanja u okruženju.U teorijskom smislu, na položaj svakog pojedinca u društvu utiču neki faktori, koji se odnose i na romsku populaciju. Da bi se utvrdio nečiji položaj u društvu, potrebno je definisati kriterijume, koji se mogu nazvati i faktorima uticaja. Tokom istraživanja korišćeni su principi PEST analize, sa unapred definisanim političkim, ekonomskim, sociološko-kulturološkim i tehnološkimkriterijumima, odnosno faktorima na osnovu kojih je testiran trenutni položaj Roma, a hipotetički projektovani na kvalitet njihovog života u budućnosti.Opšti cilj ovog istraživanja je unapređenje položaja romske zajednice u AP Vojvodini, posmatrano sa stanovišta ekonomskog i socijalnog statusa koji utiče na kvalitet života (subjektivni i objektivni faktori i drugo). Specifičan cilj istraživanja predstavljenog u radu je vrednovanje subjektivnih i objektivnih faktora i njihovog direktnog uticaja na kvalitet života Roma. Populaciju uzorka istraživanja predstavljaju pripadnici romske zajednice koji žive na teritoriji AP Vojvodine.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad: UNIVERZITET EDUKONS, Fakultet poslovne ekonomijesr
dc.sourcePoslovna ekonomija : časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, predužetništvo i finansije= Business economics: Magazine for Business Economics, Entrepreneurship and Financesr
dc.subjectquality of lifesr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.titleSocio-economic analysis of the quality of life of the Romani population in the region of the autonomous province of Vojvodinasr



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