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Factors affecting the frequency of consumption of domestic and foreign fast food brands

dc.creatorTomašević, Dragana M.
dc.creatorRadnović, Branislav
dc.creatorGašević, Dragana
dc.description.abstractBrz tempo života poslednjih godina doveo je do povećane konzumacije brze hrane u svim životnim uzrastima i socijalnim grupama, kao i s tim u vezi do povećanja broja novootvorenih restorana brze hrane. Prethodno analizirana istraživanja iz ove oblasti pokazuju da razni faktori utiču na odluku pojedinca o (ne)konzumiranju brze hrane, pri čemu se izdvajaju sledećih 5 faktora: pogodnost, reputacija brenda, kvalitet, doslednost i troškovi. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se identifikuje koji su to ključni faktori koji utiču na učestalost potrošnje domaćih i inostranih brendova brze hrane. Uzorkom je bilo obuhvaćeno 146 ispitanika različitog pola, starosti, stručne spreme, radnog statusa. Putem anonimnog upitnika, strukturiranog iz tri celine, onlajn putem je izvršeno primarno istraživanje. Na osnovu dobijenih podataka putem ordinarne logičke regresije potvrđena je polazna hipoteza, jer je utvrđeno da postoji statistički signifikantan faktor učestalosti potrošnje brze hrane, a taj faktor je pogodnost. Potvrđeno je da se pod faktorom pogodnost podrazumeva praktičnost i ušteda vremena, mogućnost da se do brze hrane lako dođe, radno vreme restorana brze hrane skoro 24 časa i njihova relativna blizina ispitanicima. Sa aspekta tržišta, značajan je rezultat istraživanja da ispitanici prednost daju domaćim u odnosu na inostrane brendove brze hrane.sr
dc.description.abstractThe rapid pace of life in recent years has led to an increase in the consumption of fast-food in all age and social groups, and in this regard to an increase in the number of newly opened fast-food restaurants. Previously conducted research work in this field has shown that various factors influence an individual's decision (not) to consume fast-food, and the following five factors have stood out: convenience, brand reputation, quality, consistency and cost. Therefore, the aim of this research was identifying the key factors that influence the frequency of consumption of domestic and foreign fast-food brands. The sample included 146 subjects of different gender, age, qualifications, and employment status. The preliminary online research was carried out using the anonymous three-section questionnaire. Based on the data obtained through ordinal logical regression, the primary hypothesis was confirmed, as it was found that there was a statistically significant factor in the frequency of fast-food consumption, that factor being a convenience. It has been confirmed that convenience factor implies utility and time saving, the possibility of easy access to fast-food, almost 24 h working hours of fast-food restaurants and their relative proximity to the respondents. From the market point of view, a significant research result is that respondents gave preference to domestic versus foreign fast-food brands.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Novi Sad
dc.sourceFood and Feed Research
dc.subjectučestalost potrošnjesr
dc.subjectreputacija brendasr
dc.subjectbrza hranasr
dc.subjectfrequency of consumptionen
dc.subjectfast fooden
dc.subjectbrand reputationen
dc.titleFaktori koji utiču na učestalost potrošnje domaćih i inostranih brendova brze hranesr
dc.titleFactors affecting the frequency of consumption of domestic and foreign fast food brandsen
dc.citation.other47(2): 87-97



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