Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Model for evaluating municipal waste management system applying the LCA: Part II: Model verification

dc.creatorStevanović-Čarapina, Hristina
dc.creatorStepanov, Jasna
dc.creatorProkić, Dunja
dc.description.abstractCilj ove studije je da se korišćenjem instrumenta za ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa (LCA) vrednuju i porede različiti scenariji upravljanja komunalnim otpadom u Južnobačkom regionu. LCA je dokazano veoma efikasan instrument za identifikaciju strategija koje minimalizuju negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu. Dodatno, komparativna analiza je veoma značajna za donosioce odluka i planere u sektoru otpada. Ovaj rad predstavlja primenu LCA modela koji je detaljno predstavljen u Delu I ove Studije. Pomenuti model objedinjuje model inventara životnog ciklusa (IWM-2) i metoda procene uticaja (Impact2002+) sa ciljem komparacije i vrednovanja sistema upravljanja komunalnim otpadom, kako bi se identifikovali pozitivni i negativni uticaji na životnu sredinu, kao i troškovi potrebni za implementaciju scenarija upravljanja komunalnim otpadom. Model je primenjen na sistem upravljanja otpadom u Južnobačkom regionu u Republici Srbiji. Definisana su četiri scenarija upravljanja otpadom. Scenariji uključuju kombinacije različitih tretmana otpada (bioloških i termičkih) i sanitarnu deponiju. Rezultati pokazuju jasnu razliku između scenarija posredstvom odabranih indikatora i kvantifikuju prednosti i nedostatke različitih scenarija upravljanja otpadom. Model je koristan, pomoćni alat donosiocima odluka prilikom izbora tehnologije tretmana komunalnog otpada. Dodatno, pomaže učesnicima u postupku planiranja upravljanja otpadom da razumeju značaj primene LCA metode. Naposletku, model pomaže unapređenju procesa strateškog planiranja u oblasti zaštite životne sredine, bez koga nije moguće dostizanje održivog razvoja u AP
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to use the life cycle assessment (LCA) instrument to assess the different municipal solid waste (MSW) management scenarios for the South Bačka region. LCA has proven to be a very effective instrument for identifying strategies that minimize negative environmental impacts. A comparative analysis is very important for decision makers and planners in the waste sector. This paper presents the application of the LCA model described in the Part I of this study. This model combined life cycle inventory model (IWM2) and life cycle impact assessment method (Impact2002+) to compare and evaluate the municipal solid waste system with the purpose of identifying environmental benefits and disadvantages, as well as the economic cost of defined scenarios of waste management systems that could be implemented. The model was applied to a regional municipal waste management system in South Bačka (The Republic of Serbia). Four scenarios of waste management are defined. The scenarios include the combination of different treatments of waste (biological and thermal), and a sanitary landfill. The results show clear differences between the scenarios in the selected indicators and quantify the relative advantages and disadvantages of different waste management scenarios. The model is a useful tool to support decision-makers to choose the technology of solid municipal waste treatment. Also, the participants in the planning of solid waste management will enable a better understanding of the importance of LCA method. Finally, it will help the improvement of the strategic planning process in the field of environmental protection, without which it is impossible to achieve the concept of sustainable development in the AP Vojvodina.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Tehnički fakultet u Boru, Beograd
dc.sourceRecycling and Sustainable Development
dc.subjectocenjivanje životnog ciklusa (LCA)sr
dc.subjectmodel inventara životnog ciklusa (IWM-2)sr
dc.subjectmetoda ocenjivanja uticaja životnog ciklusa (Impact2002+)sr
dc.subjectčvrst komunalni otpadsr
dc.subjectmunicipal solid wasteen
dc.subjectlife cycle inventory model (IWM-2)en
dc.subjectlife cycle impact assessment method (Impact2002+)en
dc.subjectlife cycle assessment (LCA)en
dc.titleModel za evaluaciju sistema upravljanja komunalnim otpadom, primena LCA - deo II: Verifikacija modelasr
dc.titleModel for evaluating municipal waste management system applying the LCA: Part II: Model verificationen
dc.citation.other12(1): 53-60



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