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Analysis of municipal waste management systems using LCI and LCIA: Case study South Backa waste management region: Serbia

dc.creatorStepanov, Jasna
dc.creatorUbavin, Dejan
dc.creatorProkić, Dunja
dc.creatorStevanović-Čarapina, Hristina
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Nemanja
dc.description.abstractRepublika Srbija je, kao zemlja kandidat za članstvo u Evropskoj uniji, u obavezi da implementira zakonodavstvo EU u domaće zakonodavstvo, što se neminovno odnosi i na sektor otpada. S tim u vezi, Republika Srbija treba da unapredi sektor upravljanja otpadom, kako bi u potpunosti zadovoljila ciljeve EU u ovoj oblasti. Za razvoj i unapređenje buduće strategije upravljanja otpadom i pospešivanje procesa donošenja odluka u sektoru otpada, neophodna je primena novih alata. Za poređenje i evaluaciju različitih strategija upravljanja otpadom u regionu, moguće je primeniti kombinaciju IWM-2 modela i Impact2002+ metodologije. IWM-2 model podrazumeva drugu fazu (inventar životnog ciklusa, eng. life cycle inventory-LCI), a Impact2002+ treću fazu (ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa, eng. life cycle impact assessment-LCIA) ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa (eng. Life Cycle Assessment-LCA) čija je procedura definisana standardom ISO 14040. U ovom radu je kombinacija IWM-2 modela i Impact 2002 + metodologije primenjena na Južno-bački region za upravljanje otpadom, da bi se procenilo kako će poboljšanje sistema upravljanja otpadom u navedenom Regionu uticati na životnu sredinu, potrošnju energije i troškove upravljanja otpadom. Razvijen je scenario koji odražava sadašnje stanje i alternativni scenario koji uključuje tehnologije upravljanja otpadom, neophodne da bi se ispunili minimalni zahtevi EU uz pristupačne troškove. Dobijeni rezultati jasno ukazuju kako će implementacija kompostiranja, povećanje stope recikliranja i odlaganje otpada na sanitarnu deponiju imati pozitivan uticaj na karakteristike životne sredine u Južno-bačkom regionu.sr
dc.description.abstractRepublic of Serbia as a candidate for the EU is obliged to comply with EU directives. This refers to waste management sector as well. Different goals need to be fulfilled, and current waste management practice must be improved in order to meet all necessary EU objectives. Thus information's to support future waste management decisions can be very important in developing and streamlining future strategies. The combination of IWM-2 model and Impact2002+ methodology is a base comparison and evaluation of different municipal solid waste management strategies in Serbia. The IWM-2 model involves the second stage (life cycle inventory-LCI) and Impact2002+ third stage (life cycle impact assessment-LCIA) of the Life Cycle Assessment-LCA procedure defined in ISO 14040. In order to evaluate how will improvement of waste management influence the environmental, energy and cost performance of waste management in Serbia, alternative scenario is developed representative for Novi Sad region. The scenario includes necessary technologies in order to fulfill the minimum of EU requirements at most affordable costs. The more advanced options are not considered. The current and alternative scenario is developed and results are evaluated by IWM-2 and Impact 2002+ methods. Results clearly indicates the difference between scenarios and show how would implementation of composting and increased recycling rates have positive influence environmental performance on MSW management in Novi Sad region.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Tehnički fakultet u Boru, Beograd
dc.sourceRecycling and Sustainable Development
dc.subjectsistem upravljanja otpadomsr
dc.subjectocenjivanje životnog ciklusasr
dc.subjectkomunalni otpadsr
dc.subjectwaste management systemen
dc.subjectmunicipal wasteen
dc.subjectlife cycle assessmenten
dc.titleAnaliza sistema upravljanja otpadom primenom LCI i LCIA metoda - studija slučaja Južno-bačkog regiona za upravljanje otpadom - Srbijasr
dc.titleAnalysis of municipal waste management systems using LCI and LCIA: Case study South Backa waste management region: Serbiaen
dc.citation.other8(1): 18-26



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