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Evolution of EU rural development with emphasis on rural development in Serbia

dc.creatorSupić, Dejan
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja ovog rada predstavlja uporednu analizu ruralnog razvoja, kao i njegovu diverzifikaciju u zemljama EU. Autor u radu razmatra glavne elemente ruralnog razvoja. Polazi od koncepta integralnog ruralnog razvoja (IRR), zajedničke agrarne politike EU (CAP) i iskustava razvijenih zemalja Evrope, kroz koje se ističu značajni faktori ruralnog razvoja. U okviru novog koncepta ruralnog razvoja izdvajaju se: ruralni razvoj, ruralna ekonomija, ruralno preduzetništvo, ruralna ekologija. Kroz rad će biti prikazana politika i evolucija ruralnog razvoja EU, kao i iskustva poljoprivrednika u novim zemljama članicama. Srbija kao izuzetno ruralna zemlja, svoj dalji razvoj mora zasnivati na ulaganju u unapređenje poljoprivrede koja predstavlja dominantnu delatnost. Autor iz tog razloga opisuje stanje, trendove i izdvaja razvojne probleme poljoprivrede i ruralnih područja Republike Srbije, koja predstavljaju osnovu ruralnog razvoja. U radu se analizira ruralna politika Republike Srbije u cilju davanja preporuka za prilagođavanje ruralnog razvoja i ruralne politike Srbije dobroj praksi EU.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper presents a comparative analysis of rural development as well as its diversification into country EU. This paper discusses the main elements of rural development. It starts from the concept of integrated rural development (IRR), the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and experience of the developed countries of Europe, through which highlight important factors of rural development. Under the new concept of rural development are: rural development, rural economy, rural entrepreneurship, rural ecology. Through the work will be displayed and the evolution of policies of EU rural development, as well as the experience of farmers in the new member states. Serbia as a very rural country, its future development must be based on the promotion of investment in agriculture, which is the dominant activity. The author describes the reason for this situation, trends and allocate development problems of agriculture and rural areas of the Republic of Serbia, which form the basis of rural development. This paper analyzes the rural policy of the Republic of Serbia in order to make recommendations for adjustments rural development and rural policy Serbian EU good practice. .en
dc.publisherUniverzitet Edukons - Fakultet poslovne ekonomije, Sremska Kamenica
dc.sourcePoslovna ekonomija
dc.subjectruralni razvojsr
dc.subjectruralna politikasr
dc.subjectruralna područjasr
dc.subjectthe EU agricultureen
dc.subjectrural policyen
dc.subjectrural developmenten
dc.subjectrural areasen
dc.titleEvolucija ruralnog razvoja EU i analiza ruralne politike Srbijesr
dc.titleEvolution of EU rural development with emphasis on rural development in Serbiaen
dc.citation.other6(2): 371-398



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