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Attractiveness of the complex tourist offer of monasteries and villages of Fruška gora from the aspect of potential tourists

dc.creatorŠkrbić, Iva
dc.creatorMilošević, Srđan
dc.description.abstractOživljavanje fruškogorskih sela i sprečavanje njihovog nestajanja podrazumeva aktiviranje privrednih aktivnosti koje će obezbediti egzistencijalne uslove za život na selu. Jedna od alternativa jeste turističko oživljavanje sela kroz stvaranje kvalitetnih turističkih proizvoda i/ili usluga koji bi se mogli tržišno realizovati. Udruživanjem fruškogorskih sela i manastira mogli bi se obezbediti neophodni resursi. Međutim, pre planiranja turističkih proizvoda i usluga neophodno je ispitati ciljno tržište tražnje i utvrditi da li postoji potencijalna turistička tražnja koja bi nakon tržišnog aktiviranja turističkih proizvoda i usluga mogla generisati i realnu tražnju. Stoga je predmet ovog rada ocena stavova i mišljenja stanovnika grada Novog Sada o pojedinim oblicima turističkog proizvoda/usluga koji bi mogli predstavljati deo ponude fruškogorskih manastira i sela sa ciljem da se dokaže ili opovrgne opravdanost programiranja turističkih proizvoda i usluga fruškogorskih sela i manastira i njihov plasman na turističko tržište. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 75 punoletnih ispitanika koji žive na teritoriji grada Novog Sada. Kao instrument istraživanja korištena je anketa, a dobijeni podaci su obrađeni statističkom analizom. Rezultati su pokazali da stanovnici Novog Sada prepoznaju manastire i sela Fruške gore kao dragocen resurs za građenje turističkih proizvoda i usluga, te da postoji visok nivo zainteresovanosti za ovakvu vrstu turističkih proizvoda i usluga koja može rezultirati zadovoljavajućom realnom turističkom tražnjom.sr
dc.description.abstractIf the revival of Fruška gora villages is to be achieved and their extinction prevented, economic activity must be revived, thus enabling the existential conditions for country life. One of the alternatives is to revive the tourist village through the creation of high-quality tourism products and/or services that could be realized on the market. Merging of Fruška gora villages and monasteries may be provided with the necessary resources. However, before planning the tourist products and services, it is necessary to examine the target market demand and determine if there is potential for travel demand. If so, it would generate realistic demand after a market activation of tourism products and services. Therefore, the subject of this paper is rating of attitudes and opinions of the residents of the city of Novi Sad of the particular forms of tourism products / services that might be a part of the offer of the Fruška gora monasteries and villages in order to prove or disprove the validity of the programming of tourist products and services in Fruška gora villages and monasteries, as well as their placement on the tourist market. The study included 75 adult respondents who live in the city of Novi Sad. Survey was used, and data were analyzed by statistical analysis. The results showed that the residents of Novi Sad recognize monasteries and villages of Fruška gora as a valuable resource. There is a high level of interest in this type of tourist products and services that can result in a satisfactory real travel demand.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet Edukons - Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad
dc.sourceTIMS. Acta
dc.subjectturistički proizvodsr
dc.subjectturistička tražnjasr
dc.subjectfruškogorski manastiri i selasr
dc.subjecttourism producten
dc.subjecttourism demanden
dc.subjectFruska gora monasteries and villagesen
dc.titleAtraktivnost kompleksne turističke ponude fruškogorskih manastira i sela iz ugla potencijalnih turistasr
dc.titleAttractiveness of the complex tourist offer of monasteries and villages of Fruška gora from the aspect of potential touristsen
dc.citation.other6(2): 73-80



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