Приказ резултата 359-378 од 913

      Intelligence analysis process and inter-group dynamics [1]
      Interaction between tourism and climate change [1]
      InterKult 2017, volume 1 [1]
      InterKult 2017, volume 2 [1]
      Interkulturalno obrazovanje i profesionalni razvoj [1]
      International comparisons of public sector efficiency: DEA methodology [1]
      International Energy Security Risk Index-Analysis of the Methodological Settings [1]
      International transmission of speculative bubbles in the real estate market [1]
      Interrelationship between grain yield and physiological parameters of winter wheat nitrogen nutrition efficiency [1]
      Interrelationships between grain nitrogen content and other indicators of nitrogen accumulation and utilization efficiency in wheat plants [1]
      Interrelationships between grain protein content and indicators of nitrogen status of wheat plant [1]
      Investment Environment Problem Analysis and Evaluation: an Ex Post Empirical Analysis and Performance Implications [1]
      Is Kragujevac city still a "hot spot" area, twenty years after the bombing? [1]
      Isolation and characterization of bacteria and yeasts from contaminated soil [1]
      Isolation of chromium resistant bacteria from a former bauxite mine area and their capacity for Cr (VI) reduction [1]
      Ispitivanja varijabilnosti gljiva iz roda Trichoderma u rizosferi različitih povrtarskih kultura [1]
      Ispitivanje mogućnosti remedijacije zemljišta sa odlagališta otpada kontaminiranih arsenom (As) [1]
      Ispitivanje uticaja ishrane i dužine tova brojlera na status lipida mesa [1]
      Izazovi povećanja konkurentnosti srpske agroindustrije u procesu ublažavanja vanrednih situacija [1]
      Izazovi savremene privrede - faktori uspeha upotrebe znanja i inovacija u kontekstu Triple-Helix modela i energetskog sektora Srbije [1]