Приказ резултата 259-278 од 913

      Factors affecting the frequency of consumption of domestic and foreign fast food brands [1]
      Factors of cultural tourism: A case study: Bar, Montenegro [1]
      Faktori koji utiču na učestalost potrošnje domaćih i inostranih brendova brze hrane [1]
      Fatty acid composition including trans-isomers of Serbian biscuits [1]
      Fatty acid composition of two Athamanta turbith subspecies [1]
      Fenomen akademskog preduzetništva [1]
      Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina klasa i genetička struktura populacije u kolekciji jarih ječmova [1]
      Financial analysis of the success of the example FC 'Southampton leisure holdings' [1]
      Financial instruments of European Union for stimulating Serbian tourism growth with focus on rural and eco-tourism [1]
      Financial malpractice as a destabilization factor of real financial reporting [1]
      Financial management impact to development of nonprofit organizations: Case study on higher education institutions in Central and Eastern Europe [1]
      Financial Market Co-Movement between Transition Economies: A Case Study of Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia [1]
      Financial reports and financial performance measurements: Basis of business management of modern entrepreneur [1]
      Finansijska analiza uspešnosti poslovanja na primeru FC 'Southampton leisure holdings' [1]
      Finansijska malverzacija kao faktor destabilizacije realnog finansijskog izveštavanja [1]
      Finansijski instrumenti Evropske unije u stimulisanju razvoja turizma Srbije sa osvrtom na seoski i ekološki turizam [1]
      Finansijski izveštaji i merenje finansijskih performansi - osnova upravljanja biznisom savremenog preduzetnika [1]
      Fiscal system of the Republic of Serbia in the EU accession process [1]
      Fiskalni sistem Republike Srbije u procesu pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji [1]
      Fiskalni trendovi u uslovima pandemije COVID-19: Analiza javnog duga Republike Srbije [1]