REDUN is the institutional digital repository of the EDUCONS University. It provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by this institution.
The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern standards applied in the dissemination of scientific publications and is compatible with international infrastructure in this field.
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Recently Added
Safety challenges of the migrant crisis in The Republic of Serbia
(Beograd : Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management-RASEC S4 GLOSEC Global Security, 28-09-2024) -
Комуникација као елеменат управљања безбедношћу у ванредним ситуацијама
(Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука, 28-03-2024) -
Од родне равноправности до родне неутралности, потреба или тренд? Искуства из Шведске
(Приштина-Лепосавић : Институт за српску културу, 2024) -
High-throughput digital imaging and detection of morpho-physiological traits in tomato plants under drought
(De Gruyter Open Access, 2024) -
"Waste to energy" as a driver towards a sustainable and circular energy future for the Balkan countries
(BMC, Springer Nature, 2024) -
Application of game theory in resolving conflict situations
(Beograd : Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management-RASEC S4 GLOSEC Global Security, 2024) -
Connectivity of Geochemical Composition of Sediments and Soils in the Large Urban River Catchment
(Taylor and Francis, 2024) -
Recent global (bio)technological advancements in the service of forest genetic resources protection under climate change / Nedavna globalna (bio)tehnološka dostignuća u službi očuvanja šumskih genetičkih resursa u kontekstu klimatskih promena
(Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2024) -
Human Milk - the Biofluid that Nourishes Infants from the First Day of Life
(Basel : MDPI, 2024) -
Analysis of the onboarding and orientation process of employees in Central Serbian organizations
(Sremski Karlovci : Fakultet za menadžment, 2024) -
Strategic options for reducing microplastics
(International Conference 2024: (Micro-nano) Plastics in Soil, 13-14 March, 2024, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2024) -
PCR-RFLP method in combination with on-chip electrophoresis as a tool for determining variability between important species of Aspergillus
(Novi Sad : Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 2024) -
Razvoj inovativne metodologije utvrđivanja kriterijuma za ekološko označavanje građevinskih proizvoda na bazi pečene gline u Republici Srbiji / The Development of Innovative Methodology for Determining Criteria for Eco-Labelling of Baked Clay Construction Products in the Republic of Serbia
(Универзитет Едуконс, Факултет заштите животне средине, 23-11-2023) -
Non- Destructive Assessment of Leaf Chlorophyll and Epidermal Flavonoids in Two Tomato Cultivars (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Grown Under Different Trichoderma spp. Treatments
(Novi Sad: Poljoprivredni fakultet, 16-11-2023) -
Productivity of Serbian wheat genotypes grown in ecological agricultural system
(Univerzitet Educons, Sremska Kamenica, 25-10-2023) -
Correlation and path analysis of grain yield and components of grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.)
(Univerzitet Educons, Sremska Kamenica, 23-10-2023) -
Утицај ИПАРД подстицаја на рурални развој Републике Србије са аспекта пољопривреде и руралног туризма
(Универзитет Едуконс, Факултет пословне економије, 19-10-2023) -
Актуелни безбедносни изазови Републике Србије у савременом глобалном сукобу истока и запада
(Nezavisni univerzitet Banja Luka, Fakultet za bezbjednost i zaštitu Banja Luka, Бања Лука : Независни универзитет : Факултет за безбједност и заштиту, 21-09-2023)